What is LuCE?
It is a non-profit collaborative association that these objectives, among others: To value the work of the luthier as the best exponent of the handcrafted musical instruments. To claim a non mass production business model, based on quality and excellence rather than profit. .
Away from the consumerist model, from programmed obsolescence, from low quality and disposable products. Collaborate in the diffusion of luthier work.
It brings together professionals dedicated to the construction of electric guitars from all over the Iberian Peninsula, who collaborate in favor of the dissemination of their activity, convinced that the craft work is the one that makes the best musical instruments.

Why this Event?
At this moment, in Spain there is no space that connects musicians -professionals and amateurs- with the work that luthiers perform in their workshops.
We want to offer a meeting point between both, where you can share experiences and be aware of the novelties, aesthetics and techniques, the result of the search of those who are professionally dedicated to the construction of guitars; a common space where you can get a comprehensive overview of the current evolution of the instrument and experience first hand the extraordinary work that is done in the field of luthería, ask questions and learn about the latest developments, locally and also European. It is a unique opportunity to showcase and make known the best of the artisan builders of guitars, basses, pickups and effects.
An exhibition format that is a success in the international arena and that, until now, has not been carried out in Spain. In fact, there is no place in our environment where the guitarist in search of a guitar of excellence, can try, compare and choose between high-end craftsmanship guitars.