Luthier Guitar Show 2024

After years of researching and experimenting in improving the transmission of sound in electric guitars and basses and due to the usual imbalance of sound between strings as the main need, we have invented and patented a system that significantly improves the sound of the instrument. Proof of this is the outstanding result in the balance between strings, greater sustain and resonance. These features are one of a kind and established within the field of physics and not as an electronic invention. The system consists of a piece of metal inserted along the length of the guitar and requires a new type of construction, compared to the traditional one, to accommodate it. We explain what the project is:
The insertion of the piece in the instrument passes along the neck and introducing itself in the body below the pickups reaching the bridge. From this piece, at the height of the neck, the frets emerge. Between fret and fret individual pieces of wood are placed.
The shape of the piece is strategically designed so that the result of the transmission in the wood improves the result, distributing the vibration evenly throughout the instrument and having a noticeable effect on its sound.
The sonic properties of this system when the instrument is connected to an amplifier are: string balance, remarkable sound definition, attack, sustain, harmonic fullness and a volume proportionally higher than a standard construction instrument.