In this guide you will find all the information necessary to exhibit in a correct, satisfactory manner and in accordance with the philosophy and rules of the exhibition. Make sure you read it completely and carefully. If you have any additional questions, please contact hello@luthierguitarshow.com. Keep in mind that both the exhibition and the LuCE association are non-profit and all show tasks are carried out by volunteers This may mean that the response is not immediate, so we appreciate your patience – and a nice word to thank our volunteer staff is always welcome, too!
The weeks leading up to the show are an excellent time to publicize the event. Use your social media channels and newsletters.
Sharing the event page is a good way to ensure its success. Replicating other social media posts from the event is also a good idea.
Don’t forget to invite your audience on social networks!
Official hashtags:
The exhibition will take place on October 26 and 27, 2024 at the “Nave de Terneras” Paseo de la Chopera, 10, 28045 Madrid.
Bus Station
Méndez Álvaro
The 148 bus line and the 6 metro line (Legazpi station) communicate with the metro station, about 25 minutes away.
Train Station
Bus lines 6, 19, 85 and 86 connect both points in a half hour trip
Madrid Barajas Airport
The combination of lines 8 and 6 (Legazpi station) communicate with the venue (1 hour)
Madrid Barajas Airport
The express line (203) from the airport goes to the Atocha railway station.
Atocha-T1: 30 ‘| Atocha-T2: 35 ‘| Atocha-T4: 40 ‘http://www.emtmadrid.es/Aeropuerto
Madrid Barajas Airport
You can travel from terminal T4 to the Atocha train station with line C1 line
For those who want to bring the instruments and equipment to be exhibited to Madrid through a transport agency, a secure reception and storage service will be available from October 14th 2024 onwards.
We ask you to manage your shipment so that it arrives BY THE DEADLINE of October 24th, 2024.
Make sure to identify all shipments correctly to avoid issues. Shipments must be directed to (and from):
C/Murcia nº 20 Local 1
28045, Madrid
At. Yolanda Saez / Luthier Guitar Show
Make sure to include the exhibitor name visibly and legibly on your shipment!
The items received this way will be placed on the corresponding display table on Saturday the 26th.
Do not collect any boxes yourself if you do not receive specific instructions to do so.
The packaging material must be stored out of sight. It can be placed under the table or in the storage space provided for this purpose. Ask the event staff for directions.
We do not provide shipping services or shipping labels so make sure to gather all the information you need before the show.
Shipments should be picked up from:
C/Murcia nº 20 Local 1
28045, Madrid
At. Yolanda Saez / Luthier Guitar Show
Once the show is closed and visitors have left, repack your shipment securely and apply your prepared shipping labels. Make sure to include any important information and documents.
Volunteers will collect the shipments and return them to the warehouse.
Pickups MUST be scheduled starting Tuesday, October 29 – Thursday October 31.
Respect your fellow exhibitors, the visitors and the organizers by NOT starting to dismantle your stand and pack your things before the official end of the show.
Exhibitors who violate this rule risk not being invited again!
If you have any questions regarding shipping contact: yolanda@banda-l.com
The organizer does not provide any insurance to exhibitors and their goods and materials. Make sure that you have appropriate insurance coverage during transport and for the event.
The organizer’s liability insurance DOES NOT cover any damages to property, materials or third parties resulting from a failure to comply with the organizer’s or event site’s requirements and instructions.
There are companies specialized in music insurance, without being a recommendation by the organization, we have compiled some:
Seguros Musicales:
García & Maluenda:
During the entire course of the fair, including the night of Saturday the 26th to Sunday the 27th, an in-person security service will be hired for Nave de Terneras. It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to determine whether they wish to leave the instruments in place during the night.
Saturday, October 26
08:30 to 10:00 am
On Sunday, October 27, exhibitors will be able to enter the venue from 9:30 a.m.
Exhibitors tables MUST be ready and cleaned up by opening time!
Saturday, October 26
10:00 am – 07:00 pm
Sunday, October 27
10:00 am – 03:00 pm
Sunday, October 27
03:00 pm
Exhibitors are asked to respect their fellow exhibitors, the visitors and the organizers by waiting with cleaning up and packing until the END OF THE SHOW at 3:00 pm. Exhibitors disregarding this rule risk being excluded from future events!
Once all visitors have left the collection of shipments will begin. Make sure to prepare everything beforehand!
Closing at 3 pm on Sunday allows for you to start your journey home that day, but be mindful that it is not allowed to pack or leave before the show officially closes!
Each exhibitor has a table, size 1.80 x 0.76 m and one chair. Each table is covered with a black tablecloth, but exhibitors are free to use their own tablecloth.
Exhibitors can only display items from the category the table has been contracted for (guitars and basses, amplifiers, pickups).
The items must be placed on the display table only; they cannot be displayed on the floor, or behind the table.
Posters, pamphlets or any brand identification items cannot be installed at a height that makes it difficult to see the other tables and which disturbs the panorama of the exhibition in general. Roll ups or any other advertising that has to be placed on the floor or behind the table is NOT allowed.
For the safety of exhibitors and visitors, it is required that boxes, packaging materials , personal items, or instrument cases be stored away from the aisles, in designated storage spaces or under tables. Make sure nothing poses a danger to others (cables etc.).
Exhibitors are responsible for keeping their table and the surrounding area clean and presentable.
Exhibitors MUST follow staff instructions in general, but especially regarding displayed or any non-permitted items.
Refusing to do so may result in expulsion from the event!
How many instruments to exhibit?
The intention of the fair is to show the public quality instruments in an aesthetic and harmonious way. Tables should look attractive rather than cluttered. It is a platform to show your art – your creations – and it is very beneficial for you that visitors can appreciate at first glance the beauty of what you have brought. Between 3 and 5 instruments can fit on the table (depending on size) comfortably, but not much more than that. The final decision is up to the exhibitor, but we strongly recommend not bringing more than 6 instruments.
For safety reasons, it is not permitted to “stack” items on the table.
Remember to bring tools, ropes and everything necessary to keep the exhibition material in optimal condition.
These items will NOT be available for purchase at the show.
Accreditations & Accompanying Persons
Each exhibitor has an extra accreditation for a companion/helper.
Space is limited and we recommend no more than two people per table.
Making the exhibition comfortable and attractive for visitors is the main objective.
The tables will not have electricity service. Therefore, amplified instruments or amplifiers cannot be tested on the tables. The use of test media with headphones (Pod’s, etc…) is allowed.
There will be three test booths available where visitors can comfortably test instruments; they are equipped with an amp and a chair. In front of these there is a rest area, where you and your customer(s) can hang out in case of a wait or have a chat.
- Adhere to a maximum test time of 10 minutes.
- We ask for respect and solidarity with other exhibitors so that the booths can be used responsibly.
- Be aware of the overall noise level and keep the volume reasonable.
- The cabin door must remain closed at all times while testing.
Follow staff instructions to lower the volume or vacate the cabin. Refusing to do so may result in expulsion from the event.
Due to the characteristics of the collaboration agreement with the Madrid city council, the exhibition is considered “non-commercial”. However, commercial deals can be made there, and even material can be sold, but certain rules must be observed:
The prices of the items should not be displayed to the public on the tables. However, feel free to have a price list that can be given to anyone who is interested or verbally give information on pricing.
There will be a discreet space to conduct any commercial deals, and we recommend you use it for any exchange of that type. Ask the staff to direct you to that space.
Security personnel will prevent any person not identified as an exhibitor from entering or leaving the venue with exhibition materials.
If a sale is made, the buyer must be accompanied outside by someone with an exhibitor badge. Please ask the organization staff for “clearance” to do this.
Visitors are strictly prohibited to enter the venue with items similar to those exhibited. Exhibitors cannot authorize the entry of material that is not their own.
Please consult the event staff if you have a question about this or notice someone violating this rule!
A fundamental characteristic of The Luthier Guitar Show is that it is a silent event.
For this reason, any type of demonstration is not permitted UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE , beyond those that are organized with the organizer in advance.